Got self-love?

The Heart Bowl is a bright reminder to eat with love, one bite at a time ❤️

what people say

Heart Bowl visually reminds me of the act of self-love that is cooking for myself.

Lopa van der Mersch

The Heart Bowl is one of the best parts of my morning routine! For me, it represents starting the day with intention, having gratitude for the food I have the privilege of eating and to always come back to love.

Hilary Pearlson

The Heart Bowls are a beautiful invitation to connect with your heart - at the start – or at any point during the day.

Jasmin J.

The Heart Bowl is the very best way to start your day. Such a small way to make a big impact on your mood. Instant pick me up!


The #heartbowl was a beautiful gift for a loved one who needed it most. It’s a tangible & solid reminder of how amazing you are, and it brightened her spirit 100%. I recommend it to anyone, especially those who need a little reminder each day that they too are loved beyond belief. It came just as promised, quickly and in perfect condition, and I cannot wait to purchase another just for myself.


Thank you for making these bowls!!! I love it so much. Favorite part of my day and is a great addition to my self love Tuesday social media presence! The heart bowl is a perfect reminder of how important it is to fill your body and mind with good food and a great reminder to take care of yourself❤️ Thank you!


I love everything about this! It has a cute story written on the back and is all about starting your day with self love. Just eating out of this bowl makes me happy and there are a million uses for it- cereal, fruit bowl, breakfast smoothie bowls, candy dish. The possibilities are endless. This would make a great gift for yourself or others.


Let's get blendin'

Acai bowl recipe

Thank you Lauren Toyota

Watch The Video



Oh Hey Lenny Kravitz


From The founder, Ksenia Avdulova

Listen, I'm not into cheesy stuff.

Maybe just a little bit.

I’m not saying a bowl can heal your heart. But this I know for sure (Oprah moment): surrounding ourselves with beautiful intentional objects can keep us centered and connected to what’s important.

The Breakfast Criminals Instagram page started as a place where I posted photos of my superfood breakfasts (açaì bowls!) in the OG heart bowl when it was the only thing that excited me first thing in the morning. I was re-finding myself and figuring out the whole self-love thing after a heartbreak, losing my visa and work permit, my job and my apartment... at once!

Every single day I get message from people tagging the @heartbowl and sharing how it was by their side as they got through a rough day, made them smile, or reminded them to be a tiny bit more kind to themselves.

I'm so excited for you to join the #heartbowl fam.


2012: @breakfastcriminals

Ksenia starts @breakfastcriminals Instagram page as a way to share her love for superfoods, quest to make soulful acai bowls (how they do in Hawaii), and most importantly – to share the practices and recipes that were helping her figure out the whol self-love thing after a rough heartbreak. 

see what ksenia is up to now

2014: The #heartbowl Project

After hundreds of comments expressing love for the heart bowl, Ksenia decides to produce 2,000 of her own heart bowls (following an inspired moment of reading Tim Ferris' Four-Hour Workweek).

The heart bowl gets featured by Cameron Diaz, Romee Strijd and other cool people. 

See the full story

2018: Heart Bowl 2.0 and Giving Back

While the brand new heart bowl 2.0 is in production, Ksenia partners with Harper Kennedy Ceramics and Alyson Charles to create 5 limited edition handmade bowls, and 100% of profits went to Bumi Sehat Foundation committed to every baby entering this world with love.

see more


Content on this website is for informational purposes only. We don’t recommend you rely on information on this website or on your favorite influencer’s Instagram account to heal your heart. If you want to experience more love in your life, we recommend you consult your own heart for advice or answers.